Dr. Otto Scratchansniff
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Dr. Otto Scratchansniff is an Austrian doctor who attempts to stop Yakko, Wakko, and Dot from being zany. Otto used to have hair, but he tore it all off in frustration for failing to straighten out the Warners. His voice was done by Rob Paulsen. Dr. Otto von Scratchansniff (usually referred to as just Dr. Scratchansniff and sometimes a nickname "Scratchy") is the psychiatrist at Warner Bros. studios who speaks with a thick Austrian accent. He is the one charged with keeping an eye on the Warner siblings, Yakko, Wakko, and Dot. He was one of the greatest psychiatrists in Hollywood before the Warners arrived. After that though, he was driven to the brink of insanity because of them. He is a regular character in the Warner Brothers' sketches, usually as the victim of their antics. However some shorts feature Scratchansniff as a sort of surrogate father to the Warner siblings, doing activities such as making them food and taking them to the circus. He is highly allergic to poison oak. Scratchansniff is attracted to fat women.