Rubes Oberon

From Loonipedia


Rubes Oberon is a character from Loonatics Unleashed. He was voiced by Jason Marsden.

Description[edit | edit source]

Also known as The Keyboard Man,he is villain from Freleng who wanted to be a member of Zadavia's Royal Court. He even presented Zadavia with a national anthem, but was rejected because Freleng already had an anthem....with words. He used Boötes and his band to make Tech build the Cosmic Guitar to drain Zadavia's powers in order to control the universe. They confront him and his mannequin band to Galaxyfest. He successfully kidnapped Zadavia and got away to use some of her powers to free Optimatus whom was trapped in a black hole. He even made the same request about the anthem to him. Both of them locate General Deuce and they invade Planet Blanc in an attempt to use Blanc's wormhole technology to take over the universe. He was double-crossed by Optimatus who had General Deuce steal the Cosmic Guitar from him and was imprisoned after the Loonatics questioned him about Optimatus' plot.