Russian Rhapsody

From Loonipedia

Russian Rhapsody is an animated short film directed by Robert Clampett and produced by Leon Schlesinger, released in 1944. The story is credited to Lou Lilly, although multiple storymen may have worked on it. The animation is credited to Rod Scribner, the top animator in this cartoon, however, Robert McKimson, Manny Gould, and Art Davis also animated on this short. 

Plot[edit | edit source]

Adolph Hitler (voiced by Mel Blanc) gives a rousing speech mostly consisting of mock German gibbberish and a few random words inserted in, he then tells the crowd he will send the world's best pilot to bomb Moscow, someone asks "Who you Fuher?" and he replied "Eh who else?". As he flies a punch of gremlins (most of whom were modled after the Warner Bros staff) invade his plane and sing a song about themselves while trashing the plane, eventually one of them pokes Hitler in the butt with a pin attached to his head he leaps out of his chair screaming, when he lands on of the ground he comes face to face with one of the smallest ones he declares "Ack, a gremlin from the Kremlin!" and it replies "How do you do?" and bops him on the nose with a mallet somehow knocking him out, the others stick his nose into an electrical socket causing him to transform into various things during the electrocution a jackass, a skunk, and a swastika, after Hilter recovers from this he chases them with a knife until one of them puts on a Joseph Stalin mask causing him to scream like a little girl, they then knock him out and saw the platform around him causing him to fall out of the plane, they chase him with the plane as he falls and shred the seat of his pants, he hides under a tree for cover and they drop the plane on top of him causing a massive explosion the tail of the plane marking his tombstone, they then sing about their victory when a disshelved Hitler suddenly pops up out of the ground doing a Lew Lehr impression saying "Nazies is the cwaziest peoples" one of them pounds him into the ground with a mallet burying him.

Video[edit | edit source]