Thread:WikiExpertXV/@comment-ClassicNickelodeon Fan 1-20131019193532/@comment-ClassicNickelodeon Fan 1-20131020014309
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WikiExpertXV wrote:
ClassicNickelodeon Fan 1 wrote:
I have every single short hehe :P
Good for you, you're very lucky. For me, I rather have the originals (like the ones that are on DVD and Blu Ray) because I hate when I find either colorized black & white versions or edited versions (most definitely the post-1935/pre-1943 black & whites from 1935's A Cartoonist's Nightmare to 1943's Puss N Booty). I'm already doing a petition on that.I have every single short hehe :P
If you don't mind a little torrenting, there's torrents with the majority of the shorts in them. That's how I managed to get most of mine.